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  • Writer's pictureToothpick Writer

Updated: Mar 30

Yo Low, how is it going? I hope you guys are doing well. My week has been pretty good. I’ve been pulling a lot of cables at my job. Fun times :). But besides the busy work, I have been writing a little for the (placeholder name) Waste of Time story. I’m taking a lot of stuff that would make the story too long and complex. For most of my stories, I want to make them pretty short. Like if I can write a couple of chapters, maybe 7 or 8, I’d be good. As for the campaign game, I haven’t worked much on that. I did come up with a couple of notes in my head, but nothing too crazy to put down. I’ll be working on the campaign game once it gets close to the summer and my boys have some extra free time. Other than that, that is pretty much all that happened these two weeks. Work, school, life, and sprinkle in some hobbies, too.

See yuh later,

-Toothpick Writer

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  • Writer's pictureToothpick Writer

Updated: Mar 30

Hi there, it’s been a very, very long three months, and it’s good to write here again. I have some homework to finish up today, so I will keep this post short. Plus, I don’t want to waste your time trying to fit most of my experience from the past three months into this post. Work has been good, school has been good, family is happy, and life has been great. I haven’t worked on my writing pieces or projects lately because work, school, family, and life have been getting busier. As I get further into life, I notice the less time I have for myself, which is not all that bad when the other moments are filled with good things. Currently, I am in the brainstorming process of a short story called Waste of Time (placeholder name) and a campaign that I want to run for my friends called The Slayers Campaign (placeholder name, but I do like it). I’ll give more details of the projects when I can, but that is what I am working on. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long for a post; I know how needy you are to hear from me. Anyway, have a good day, wherever you are, and I will write again soon.

-Toothpick Writer

P.S. I am going to do these blogs Biweekly now. I’ll post again in two weeks. See yuh later.

Created: January 7, 2024

Posted: March 2, 2024

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  • Writer's pictureToothpick Writer

Updated: Feb 3

Hey, peeps. I want to update you that I am making my blog posts quarterly. Starting March 31st, I will post my first Quarterly Blog Post. I want to give myself more time to focus on creating stories and provide myself with time for other things. I will still be updating the website as I go. There are going to be a lot of updates coming shortly. I hope you guys are doing well, and I will write to yuh later.


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